鄉福代禱消息 2025年 02月
Village Gospel Mission Prayer Request, February 2025
Dear Pray Warriors, Greetings!
Thank the Lord for His grace and presence. From the beginning to the end of the year, the Lord protects and cares for His children and passes them safely through any encounter. May the Lord help us love the Lord even more in the New Year, continue establishing a beautiful relationship with God, and be happy. Preaching the Gospel enables people to gain true peace and joy and glorifies the name of the Lord.
“You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance.”
Psalm 65:11 (NIV)
Thank you very much for your prayers~
February Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for the Full-Time Staff Retreat (2/3-5), and ask that the Holy Spirit will fill every participating pastor and staff member, so that they can regain their strength in the New Year and be filled with the powerful presence of God.
2.Pray for the Children’s Winter Camp (2/5-7) to be held during the winter vacation. May the Lord bless the participating children so that they can experience God through this Camp and have their lives renewed and transformed.
3.Pray for the Spiritual Training Meeting (3/15) at the Galilee Prayer Mountain. Ask the Lord to help with the preparation beforehand and to make the participants eager to learn.
4.This Summer Bilingual Camp will increase to 16-17 tiers, requiring more than 300 Counselors. Please ask the Lord to prepare suitable co-workers.
Prayer Requests for Ministry Sites:
- 長治工作區:為新的牧者巫俊雄牧師、黃淑華師母的牧會禱告,願主賜福他們的服事和家庭,充滿神的大能和恩典。
Chang-Zhi Ministry Site: Pray for the new pastors, Pastor Wu Jun-Xiong and Mrs. Huang Shu-Hua. May the Lord bless their service and family and be filled with God’s power and grace. - 芬園工作區:求主帶領牧者同工們在新的一年,靠主剛強得力,弟兄姐妹身心靈健壯,有傳福音的心志。
Fen-Yuan Ministry Site: Pray that the Lord will lead the pastors and co-workers to be strong and empowered by the Lord in the New Year. The brothers and sisters will be strong in body, soul, and spirit, and have the will to preach the Gospel.
Office of the Village Gospel Mission
February 2025