

感謝您對鄉福同工之關懷與愛護。按本團傳道同工生活費原則,秉持同工同酬、共用共享之精神,按月匯款入同工個人帳戶。因此,舉凡指定為「同工個人(含生活費)」之奉獻,除特殊情況按鄉福規定處理外,皆歸入本團公庫款項,期能照顧每位同工,使能沒有生活上的後顧之憂,辦公室必定代為轉答,讓同工知曉。如對同工的服事有負擔,歡迎為同工所服事的教會奉獻。舉凡鄉福所有傳道同工在外之講道、研習、授課等,皆歸入本團公庫款項;因此,請勿將此款項列為傳道同工之個人所得,不便之處,請見諒。若有任何疑問,歡迎來電詢問。鄉福辦公室電話:(05) 373-0040。

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Per IRS (Internal Revenue Service) Charitable Contributions Publication 526, money or property you give to Individual and/or Tuition are Not Deductible as Charitable Contributions.
*** Village Gospel Mission (VGM), a USA 501.3(c) non-profit organization, will not provide tax deductible receipt if your donation is designated to an individual or for tuition.
*** If you want to donate to an individual and/or tuition, we will return your donation. Unless you agree the donation will be pooled with general fund to support VGM Taiwan (台灣鄉福) co-workers, churches and programs.
*** Your support of VGM and understanding of the US Tax code is greatly appreciated.