4. Calling from the Villages in Taiwan – II (2007 edition)
This video was originally compiled in year 2007 in Chinese language. Mr. Chuck Schumann, a friend of VGM, kindly translated it into English. Part II of the series of three parts shows how the co-workers of VGM used creative ways (e.g., computer classes) to out-reach the villagers. Due to short of resources, Gospel teams from inside Taiwan and oversea were sent to the villages. In 1981, the first pioneer area was started at Manjou, PingTong County. The percentage of Christian in Taiwan has long been about 2.5%. In rural area, it’s even lower, for example, 0.3% in Yun-Lin County, and 0.4% in Chia-Yi County. Lacking of gospel allowed traditional belief to spread like weeds and rot the roots. For more information, please visit the Village Gospel Mission Introduction page.】